Dessert: 05-Oct-2009

Oh, and I'm slowly bringing over recipes from my photo page on FB over to this blog, so some of the dates might be "old" when I 1st made them & posted the pics... but I probably would have made them again a few times since then... (with most things that is...)
Anyway, so I’ve been searching on the internet to find the “right” recipe for our family… I hadn’t realized that a lot of mango pudding recipes involved using raw eggs & I wasn’t comfy with that. My recipe has been adapted from this one, found here: fredizzle - mango pudding recipe. I can tell you its been a real hit with the kids… (Notice that I’ve omitted the egg part in fredizzle's recipe… :-D)
Two large ripe Mangoes chopped finely
2 Packets of Jelly Powder (I used normal Aeroplane Jelly - mango flavour)
200mL low fat Evaporated Milk
310ml of Hot Water
1. Mix chopped mango with evaporated milk in the bowl that you want mango pudding to set in.
2. In separate bowl, add hot water with jelly powder. Stir until jelly fully dissolved.
3. Pour dissolved jelly into mango mixture. Stir until well mixed.
4. Let mixture cool then put into fridge until mango pudding sets (approx 2-4 hrs).
Two large ripe Mangoes chopped finely
2 Packets of Jelly Powder (I used normal Aeroplane Jelly - mango flavour)
200mL low fat Evaporated Milk
310ml of Hot Water
1. Mix chopped mango with evaporated milk in the bowl that you want mango pudding to set in.
2. In separate bowl, add hot water with jelly powder. Stir until jelly fully dissolved.
3. Pour dissolved jelly into mango mixture. Stir until well mixed.
4. Let mixture cool then put into fridge until mango pudding sets (approx 2-4 hrs).
Enjoy the yummylicious chilled pudding especially in the height of summer! :-D Heck... enjoy it anytime really... its such a more-ish dessert! :-D

Will try this when mango in season.
Do you think it will work if I add sago as well?
Let me know how you go when you do try it yah... very easy recipe... :-)
Sorry, didn't see your 2nd comment... :-D I think should be OK... I've not personally tried it... but you may have to boil/soak the sago to soften & make it edible first before adding it to the pudding as there's no real cooking happening with the pudding...
If you do try it out, let me know the result & what you did, then I might try it next time around too... :-D
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