Have been wondering what great thing to begin my blog about...
Finally come up with something...
I've finally completed my very first chunei... :-) Yippee...
Thanks heaps to the mummy on TBW who posted her chunei instructions... (
http://www.thebabywearer.com/forum/showthread.php?t=167513&highlight=DIY+Chunei) & also to another friend who loaned me his chunei too... it was very helpful... coupled with my own DIY KarriMeBub Mei Tai... Here's what I came up with... My sis decided to try it on first... (I did have a go at it at home & while carrying bubs from the car to church... before she hijacked it...) so what better time than that to actually play with my other totally neat "new" 2nd hand Nikon D70 (my other hobby) & take her photo!
Here's my sis carrying her 1.5 yr old... Looking pretty good!

Its actually a really neat carrier... very comfy except the only thing that's a real pain at the moment is the fact that my son is in this leg pushing & straightening mode... (that's why I'm having a hard time "wrapping" him too!)... where he straightens his leg at the knee which inadvertently ends up with his leg straight down & almost falling out of the carrier from the bottom down...
So although all done... I might have to wait a little before I can actually use it proper... wait till he hopefully grows out of that stage & sits docilely like my sister's son... Wonder if that'll ever happen though... Hmmm....
Some thoughts... I used the measurements that TBW momma suggested, then I added the length of my KarriMeBub MT, further adding a zippered pocket & also making the adjustable waist strap & shoulder strap from webbing & plastic buckles instead! I sewed together & lined it then top stitched the carrier but didn't do a bias tape edge as I'm not sure how too... (I could probably work it out, but didn't bother!). So that was pretty much how I ended up with my chunei!
Yippee... Should keep us nice, warm & toasty this winter!

My DIY Chunei... :-)